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Onsemi was formerly the semiconductor division of MOTOROLA. At the beginning of its spin-off from MOTOROLA, Onsemi's main product lines included analog ICs, standard and advanced logic ICs, discrete small-signal and power devices.

After years of development, Onsemi has now become one of the leading manufacturers in the global semiconductor industry, covering industries such as industrial, automotive, mobile Internet of Things and 5G.

Product types have also grown from basic discrete device modules to a full range of power management, motor control, high-end sensors, and interface and custom logic devices.

Significant acquisitions for Onsemi include:

Acquired LSI's 8-inch fab in 2006, improving Onsemi's technological level

Acquired AMI Semiconductor in 2008, enhancing Onsemi's product line in the automotive and industrial fields

In 2014, Onsemi acquired Aptina Imaging, which enabled Onsemi to have a strong graphic sensing product line, helping it to gain an important position in the automotive and industrial image sensor markets.

Onsemi's business has penetrated into various fields in the market, including autonomous driving, smart lighting, and industrial manufacturing.